Monday, August 11, 2014

On Your Mark...Get Set...Go!

                                On Your Mark…
            Get Set…

Year two of personalized “blended learning” is a skip and a jump away. The first year’s training wheels have been removed and staying on course, without losing balance, is the goal. Reflection of this past year’s results has been crucial for smoothing the path in anticipation of year two’s optimal ride.

Trajectory tenets required for balancing, optimizing and accelerating our personalized “Blended Learning” journey:


Insure buy-in of the belief, from kindergarteners to head of school, teachers, parents and board members that personalized learning is indispensable for its potential to individualize, advance and enhance learning for all students. 


·      Collect & analyze student data
·      Utilize data-driven class/lesson management
·      Establish and maintain station/rotation flexible groupings
·      Devise the year’s master plan of skill benchmarks and provide a menu of lesson offerings (both digital & teacher directed) that eliminate redundancy in the curriculum, except when needed.
·      Maintain time efficiency to accommodate the learning requirements of each student. 
·      Strategize with colleagues as to best practices for productivity

Student-Teacher Partnerships:

·      Develop strategies that inspire students to become self-directed and motivated learners who take responsibility for maintaining their focus on digital instruction.
·      Increase student comfort with independent work
·      Follow policies and procedures to control social behavior
·      Foster Internalized learning ownership
·      Modify student need for teacher and peer approval
·      Cultivate innate motivation for differentiated learning according to skill levels
·      Promote self-satisfaction and pride as the rewards for personal progress
·      Set skill goals to develop individual education paths
·      Support analysis and reflection upon personal data as a steering tool towards skill mastery.
·      Establish daily pathways for communication between teacher and student

Oh, so easy to write the trajectory tenets of operation before the school year begins. Now, the “how to” begins as teachers convene for pre-service week and brainstorm for successful implementation.

To be continued…